NOTE: To get credit for this course you must fill out and submit this form before tapping “MARK COMPLETE”. After tapping “MARK COMPLETE”, you will be given the option of printing a certificate for your own records.

I verify I personally read the entirety of the Administrative Handbook CELL PHONES: PERSONAL CELL PHONE USE section and understand its contents (or have asked for and received clarification). I understand I can return to the Administrative Handbook at any time for clarification on any of its topics.

I verify I personally took and passed the associated CELL PHONES: PERSONAL CELL PHONE USE quiz, answering the questions for myself.

I agree to abide by the requirements, rules, regulations, and best practices described in that section.

I agree that signing my name below constitutes a legal signature verifying the truth of these statements above.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Reset signature Signature locked. Reset to sign again