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The Company’s supervisors and managers are responsible for the discipline of persons whom they supervise. When an employee’s attendance or performance becomes unsatisfactory, or when an employee engages in inappropriate conduct, the Company may provide the employee with notice of the concern and an opportunity to improve. However, the Company retains sole discretion to determine whether the misconduct or degree of unsatisfactory performance warrants immediate termination without notice. The Company’s supervisors and managers have several discipline options available, which may include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, written reprimands, suspensions with or without pay, or discharge. Different versions or combinations of these or other forms of discipline, may be used. There is no plan, policy, or procedure of “progressive discipline” which the Company is obligated to follow. Rather, any of the available forms of disciplinary options may be levied for any particular violation based upon the Company’s discretion.

Hogan takes issues of employee safety seriously. As a result, when an employee violates a safety policy or procedure or otherwise engages in unsafe acts in the workplace, Hogan will generally follow this procedure:

  1. First offense – written warning, retraining required before returning to project.
  2. Second offense – written warning, 24 hours off without pay, retraining required before returning to project.
  3. Third offense – removal from jobsite, with an evaluation of possible separation of employment.

Hogan may also vary from this procedure even for established safety violations. For example, even a one-time intentional unsafe act may lead to immediate removal from a jobsite and termination of employment.

Neither this Progressive Discipline Policy, nor the maintenance of any other policies or procedures, shall be construed as constituting a promise from or contract of any kind with Hogan, either express or implied, regarding any of the matters addressed in such policies. Although it is hoped and desired the relationship between Hogan and its employees will grow and be in the best interests of both the employee and Hogan, all employees are employed for an indefinite period in an at-will capacity.

My signature, below, indicates I have read, understand, and agree to these requirements.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
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